How to play Khet

Summary: Khet is a two-player game. The object of the game is to hit the opponent's pharoah piece with a laser while protecting your own. On your turn, you may move a piece a single square or rotate it ninety degrees. Pieces act as mirrors to steer the laser.

Khet is played on a 10 square by 8 square board by two players, silver and red. Some of the squares on the board are also silver and red.

The files (columns) are labelled a–j starting from the left and the ranks (rows) are labelled 1–8 starting from the bottom. Squares on the board are named by their file and rank.

An empty Khet board.

There are four types of piece in Khet, which each occupy a single square: pharoahs, djeds, pyramids, and obelisks. Obelisks can stack so that two sit on one square. Stacked obelisks act as one piece in all respects. Each piece is either silver or red.

The pieces. From left to right: pharoah, djed, pyramid, obelisk, two obelisks stacked.

Each game consists of a sequence of moves which are each composed of two plies (turns). Silver always starts. Each ply, a player either moves or rotates a single piece. Every piece moves one space either orthogonally or diagonally. The destination must be empty, except that djeds may move into occupied squares, switching places with the pieces already there. Rotations are always ninety degrees and can be either clockwise or anticlockwise. A silver piece may not move into a red square and a red piece may not move into a silver square. In the case of a stacked obelisk, the player may move only the top obelisk or both obelisks at the same time.

A legal ply for silver.
A legal ply for red.
A legal ply for silver.

After every ply, the current player's laser is fired. Silver's laser is at the bottom-right and shines up, red's laser is at the top-left and shines down. The laser bounces harmlessly off the diagonal sides of pieces at ninety degree angles until it hits either the flat side of a piece or the edge of the board. If it hits the side of a piece, that piece is removed from play (the laser does not continue after this). If the laser hits a player's pharoah, that player loses. If the laser hits two stacked obelisks, both are removed from play.

After silver's ply. Red loses a pyramid.
After red's ply. Silver's pharoah is hit by the laser, so red wins.
The laser leaves the board harmlessly.

The starting position for Khet may be anything mutually agreed on by the players, but three are standard: Classic, Imhotep, and Dynasty.

The Classic starting position.
The Imhotep starting position.
The Dynasty starting position.

Tournament rules